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advocate and inform

Don't just complain to people who agree with you — get the word out on topics that you care about! Many people think of themselves as political or opinionated but don't get their views out. Most of us talk to our friends who already agree with us, but it takes extra effort to talk to other people (family, co-workers, members of social and religious organizations) and discuss controversial subjects, or subjects that are important but maybe not as exciting. You might find that speaking your mind and promoting discussion with other people can make many topics exciting!

A great service for contacting your representatives is Resistbot. The website nor the creator of is officially associated with them. We just think they are cool and even donate money to them. It's a great public service.            

How can we expect people to understand us or agree with us if we don't get the word out? However we do it, let's get loud! Let's advocate our positions and inform others about our knowledge, experiences, concerns, ideas, and proposals. Other ideas...

  • Call your congressperson or senator.
  • Write letters to your local papers and encourage like-minded people to do so.
  • Write an article for your local newspaper.
  • Write an article for your organization's newsletter.
  • If you are involved with a church, you can't use church resources to advocate for or against a party or a candidate, but many issues are OK to discuss. And you can do non-partisan voter registration too. Here's more information about church involvement.
  • Go door to door in a neighborhood where people might not agree as much.
  • In a national election, volunteer with a party or candidate to support efforts in "swing states", states that will be particularly important. Get loud!
  • Consider donating money to advocacy organizations that you generally agree with and that seem effective at getting the word out. Donating your time and skills is important, but donating money is another way of helping.
  • Have a party to discuss an important topic. Now invite a few people who probably do not agree with you on everything! Invite people from work or people you meet in your day-to-day life and convince them that discussion is important. Involve some take-out food or deliver a pizza and everyone will have a good time and learn something.
  • Get the word out with a political party.
  • Get the word out with a Political Action Committee
  • Get the word out with a political or issues-based organization.
  • Attend monthly meetings for political parties and activist organizations.
  • Attend monthly meetings for candidates for political office.
  • Attend monthly meetings about political issues. For more, see organizations too.

And if you can't find an organization doing what you want, start your own!